Twin Arrows Najavo Casino, Flagstaff, AZ Casino Chip

Casino: Twin Arrows Najavo Casino, Flagstaff
Casino Type: Indian
Chip Type: Limited Edition -- Grand Opening
Denomination: $$5 Republic Of Marshall Islands
Color: Red
Mold: Plain
Inserts: Wh, Bl, Ye, Bk, 4 Rd
Inlay: Multi-Colored
Item in stock
  • Product Description

Denom: $5
Event: Grand Opening
Issued: 05/24/2013
Color: Red
Inserts: Wh, Bl, Ye, Bk, 4 Rd
Mold: Plain
Inlay: OR-Multi
Logo: Casino
22181 Resort Boulevard
Flagstaff, Arizona 86004
Type: Indian
Status: Open
Opened: 05/24/2013
The following concepts were used to design the logo: Two outward bound arrows to show a proactive approach to all things as well as the Journey of the Navajo throughout time. There are Four Sacred Mountains in the Navajo culture, beginning with the East, South, West and North. The turquoise arches represent the sky, the shape of the world and the implied shape of a female hooghan.
The Navajo casino basket brand was added to unify our properties. Overall, the color scheme, white, turquoise, yellow and black incorporates the four sacred colors of the Diné.

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