Princess Cruise Line Casino Chip

Casino: PCL - All Ships
Casino Type: Cruise Ship
Chip Type: N/A
Denomination: $$5 Republic Of Marshall Islands
Color: Yellow
Mold: Plain - Chip without any design
Inserts: 8- White Around Rim
Inlay: Multi-Colored
Item in stock
  • Product Description

Princess Cruise Line now offers three NCV promotional chips with the Seawitch Logo on both sides in values of $5 (Yellow), $25 (Fuchsia) and $100 (Blue).
The chips are oversized and are earned based on play from your previous cruise. Here’s how it works, play in casino all week and get a rating. At end of cruise get a letter from casino staffs that says you have $500 in NCV chips on your next cruise.
To use these chips, you have to match the face amount with an additional casino chip bet.
Both sides the same. Unknown manufacturer.

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