Norwegian Cruise Line Casino Chips

Casino: NCL -- Breakaway
Casino Type: Cruise Ship
Chip Type: Land Based
Denomination: $$5 Republic Of Marshall Islands
Color: Red
Mold: $2
Inserts: 6blu/Prp/Blu
Inlay: OOR-RED
Item in stock
  • Product Description

Denom: $5
Issued: 2013
Color: Red
Inserts: 6 Bl/Pu/Bl
Mold: PlainNorwegian Breakaway will be homeported at the New York Passenger Ship Terminal in Manhattan, making seven-day cruises to Bermuda (May thru Sept) and seven-day cruises to the Bahamas & Florida (October thru April). She will be the largest cruise ship to sail from New York City.

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