Grand Sierra Resort, Reno $5 Small Inlay House Chip

Casino: Grand Siera Resort, Reno
Casino Type: Land Based
Chip Type: Regular House Chip
Denomination: $$5 Republic Of Marshall Islands
Color: Red
Mold: Plain
Inserts: 8 Black
Inlay: OOR-RED
Item in stock
  • Product Description

Grand Sierra Resort, Reno $5 Small Inlay House Chip
Denom: $5
Issued: 2007
Color: Red
Inserts: 8 Black
Mold: Plain
Inlay: OOR-RED
Catalog#: E5915
Collected By: A. J. Giametta
Was: Hilton Resort
2500 E 2nd St
Reno, Nevada 89595
Type: Land Based
Status: Open
Open: 2006, Close: No

The doors to the elevators that take you to your hotel room STILL have the MGM Lion on them, some THREE casinos ago!

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