Crystal Cruise Line, Caesars Palace At Sea Casino Chip

Casino: Crystal Cruise Line
Casino Type: Cruise Ship
Chip Type: Regular House Chip
Denomination: $$5 Republic Of Marshall Islands
Color: Red
Mold: House - House mold with casino name around face of chip
Inserts: 2 - Purple, 2 - Yellow
Inlay: HOUSE
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Denom: $5.00
Color: RED
Inserts: 4ylw/Prp
Although no specific ship named, can't verify but was told this came off the Symphony ship.
Caesars Palace Las Vegas was the management co that ran the casinos on the Crystal Cruises ships for years. In 2006, Crystal Cruises took them over. Crystal had been the only cruise line to partner with major land-based casino company like Caesars. Each of its elegant casinos housed blackjack tables, as well as three-card poker, mini-baccarat, dice, roulette, and more than 85 slot machines.

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