IP, Biloxi, MS Casino Chip

Casino: IP, Biloxi
Casino Type: Land Based
Chip Type: Regular House Chip
Denomination: $1
Color: White
Mold: H&C (RHC)
Inserts: 2 - Navy, 2 - Maroon
Inlay: Multi-Colored
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  • Product Description

Denom: $1
Issued: 2009
Mold: H&C (RHC)
Was: Imperial Palace
850 Bayview Avenue
Biloxi, Mississippi 39530
Type: Riverboat
Status: Open
Open: 12/2005
The IP was the first casino on the Mississippi Gulf Coast to reopen after Hurricane Katrina on December 22, 2005. Prior to its official reopening, it was announced that the name of the property would be changed from the Imperial Palace to the IP Hotel and Casino to prevent any confusion with its former sister property.

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